BUILDING PLT To build an executable version (.SAV) of PLT on a RT-11v5.1 system or TSX-PLUS V6.1 system you need a copy of the FORTRAN source files on the DK: device. Set KMON IND and execute the PLTBLD.COM command file. @PLTBLD This command file also builds executable versions (.SAV) of LPGPLT, HPPLT, and TTPLT which can be used to display a plot from a .tek file on a Data South Line Printer, a Hewlett Packard 7475 Pen Plotter, and a Retro-Graphic terminal respectively. Support for non-graphics devices is included. ASPLT will diplay on a decwriter, and typlt will display on an ordinary terminal such as a vt52. Documentation can be found in the .TXT files: PLT.TXT - user guide to PLT. SUMMAR.TXT - summary of PLT parameters and keywords. SYMBOL.TXT - decscription of PLT symbols. NOTES: 1) The CSR in FASTLP.FOR should be checked if you intend to use LPGPLT. 2) The CSR and VECTOR in PL.SYS should be set using the RT-11 set command and installed on the system device if you intend to use HPPLT.