=== SBDEMO program plot random waves on a VT100 === ** CALLING FORTRAN SUBROUTINES IN BASIC COMMON AREA ** this subroutines are OVERLAYED !!! Run only with patched BASIC ( SYS(6) assembler calling ) the are two subroutines: 1> randomise the dim C%() 2> plot this dim on the VT100 this subroutines writen in BASIC are callable with GOSUB 4000 and GOSUB 5000. this sames two subroutines writen in FORTRAN are OVERLAYED in common area and are callable with SYS(6) .Do basic statements GOSUB 14000 and GOSUB 15000. This program read 3 next files DK:SUBLOA.LRL (187 words) assembler loader it is a utility for subroutines loading DK:SUBRL1.BRL randomise C%() DK:SUBRL2.BRL plot C%()