! DK:MERGE.TXT DATE: 1-JUN-83 TIME: 15:19:46 ! ! merge routine, stored in reg. Y by UPDATE, invoked via RDIR or ESC W ! ! append text to D, if any ! Z"G ZJ12I$H:XDHK' ! prompt for merge step, hang on "Y" (MZ drains KB, sets image typeout) ! MZ^A$H$K^G$p-UPDATE-P- INSERT DIRECTORY VOLUME - OK to proceed? (Y) ^A <^T-^^Y"E0;'7^T> ! remove yank protect, hang on volume ID, check against reg. O ! 2#EDED > ! reset yank protect, write ! 2^_&EDED ^A$H$K$p-UPDATE-I- UPDATING DIRECTORY FILE -^A ERSY:SWAP.SYS$ ! force new directory read ! ! open file, new stuff in workspace, append page by page + edit ! EB^EQF$GD 0,0XB front of new copy of current volume ! QA,ZXC QA,ZK ! current input page to C, then delete ! B,QBXDB,QBK ! front end of new stuff to D, then delete ! J1^_&EDED S^L$ ! search for next FF ! .,Z:XD.,ZK ! append tail of new stuff to D, then delete ! JGCK.UA ! ID + old copy on top, new copy with FF below ! ! remove uncommented duplicates, collect commented copies in B ! J:XBL<.,.+10XA L .UB :S^EQA$"S 0LK QBJ -L:XBL' QB-QA; QBJ> ! append uncommented new entries with FF to B, retrieve D and loop ! QAJ.,Z:XB HKGD > ! wrap-up: present B and D for commenting, then close ! JGBJ Z"E ! if no new text, close ! EF MZ ^A$H$K$p^G^A ^A-UPDATE-I- REVISION COMPLETED - strike any key to exit -^A^T| ! else show close command, allow commenting ! MZ^A$H$K$p^G^A ^A-UPDATE-P- COMMENT TO TASTE, THEN CLOSE FILE WITH HPEF - ---- strike any key to remove message and continue ---- ^A ^T' ^A$H$J$q^A1^_&ETET$$